style: themed
Puzzle #13 – Exchange Glances
style: themed
Puzzle #12 – Let 'Em Know
style: themed
Puzzle #11 – On a Very Special Crossword... (Mental Health Month puzzle)
style: themed
difficulty: 3/5
Puzzle #10 – Turn Down For Watt
style: themed
difficulty: 2/5
Puzzle #9 – Not-So-Lazy Susan
style: themed
difficulty: 2/5
Puzzle #8 – Freestyle Alpha
style: themeless
difficulty: decently challenging, but not like one of those impossibly hard indie themelesses
Puzzle #7 – Let's Not and Say We Did
style: ehehehe
difficulty: ???/5
Puzzle #6 – SpongeWord SquareGrid
style: themed / et tu etui?
difficulty: ???/5
4sqr – Snack Pack #2 – Now even printer-friendlier!
In case you haven't been clued in yet, I like squares. I just think they're neat (but not as neat as hexagons). I've always been a big geometry enthusiast, so things like large-scale symmetry and patterns scratch a certain itch in my brain. Recently I've been binging Numberphile videos on YouTube, and this video in particular really got me thinking. I'll let James explain it far better than I can, but imagine if a standard four-square court or chessboard could only be made of squares of different sizes—but still with integer-length sides.
The image above is the smallest possible (yes, it's been proven!) example of these so-called "squared squares", and is the logo of the Trinity Mathematical Society, the student group responsible for discovering several of these squares, by hand, and popularizing the idea. Image source and more reading here.
Anyway, I'm here with more not-so-elegant squares of squares. Enjoy this week's Snack Pack!
4sqr – Snack Pack #1
The first week of my weird little experiment is done, and as promised, here are the puzzles in printable format (also in PNG, in case opening in Paint and drawing in the answers there is more your thing). Links are below, and I'd love to know what you think and what suggestions you might have! Thank you to everyone who has submitted clues so far—it's taking quite a while to sift through all of the quality.
In case you don't know what's going on, here's what you need to know:
- I am providing a new home for all two-letter crossword entries (of which there are 676). If you know one of these entries personally, or if you would like to be matched with one, please visit this link to find out how you can help today. Looking for all manner of unique, intriguing, and inclusive cluing angles.
- I am using these entries to produce daily "bite size" 2x2 puzzles (and a "fun size" Sunday puzzle). Quite literally, these are meant to be bite-sized—solved in a matter of seconds if you're able to figure out the clues.
- I am releasing these puzzles daily (and in all sorts of fun colors) on my Twitter account, but if you don't have Twitter or would rather just receive this weekly Snack Pack, then just come back here every Sunday.
- If you are a puzzle constructor and would like to come up with your own bespoke puzzle featuring two-letter entries, I am open to guest slots or a quick collaboration!
That's it! If it's not clear, I don't intend for these puzzles to be much of a challenge. I'm realizing in my crossword constructing journey that I really just want to make puzzles that I would enjoy doing myself, and while I do appreciate a proper intricate challenge, most of the time I'd rather snack on something bite size but still satisfyingly sweet.
Puzzle #5 – An International Mystery
style: themed
difficulty: 2/5
So, I've been stuck in a bit of a cluing rut recently. I'm currently sitting on three different fully-filled 15x15 puzzles that I just can't bring myself to fully clue—so I've been spending most of my crossword energy recently working on a new set of projects: The Two-letter Cluing Project and 4sqr, which is going to be a collection of daily 2x2 puzzles, with a slightly larger Sunday puzzle, all designed to showcase the plethora of two-letter crossword entries which have been unfairly suppressed and maligned by the likes of one William F. Shortz and Big Crossword. CWAC™—giving two-letter words a home since February 2021. First snack pack will be released right here, this Sunday! Stay tuned. And follow me on Twitter if you'd like to receive the daily puzzles on the day they release.
Oh right! I also made a puzzle for today. See below. I expect many of you will discover the theme fairly quickly—I didn't make it very subtle. Regardless, I had fun making this one. And hopefully I'll climb out of my rut and get back to publishing more full-size marties shortly. Enjoy.
Puzzle #4 – The Crass And The Curious
style: themeless
difficulty: 3/5
I know you're tired of January 2021 current events puzzles. So am I. But, it was an insane month for news, and I would have felt like I missed the bus if I saved this seed entry for any longer. And for some reason I decided that it would be a pangram! Trust me—it didn't happen accidentally and made the process way harder than it had to be, but I hope the fill is good enough to make for a smooth solve. Let me know what you think!
Also, huge shoutout to Chris Piuma for providing the clues to 5-down (originally too boring) and 22-across (originally too insensitive). 10/10 test solver, would recommend.
Puzzle #3 – Therapeutic Hazards
style: kinda-themed
difficulty: 3/5
I'm alive! Took about a month off from publishing anything as part of an oh-so-cliché, but oh-so-needed, social media cleanse following the stress of the holidays and whatnot. I've still been constructing, moreso on large grids in the hopes of getting something published sometime this year, but I'm ready to start carving out the time for these blog posts again. I'll be doing them weekly now—I promise.
Enjoy this little midi. Not really a whole lot to say, except that I accidentally created a tongue-twister with 11-A's clue. Just try saying it ten times fast.